
Mostrando postagens de agosto, 2023

Blurry Heavy Cliché

  A sharp, unbearable, agonising tinnitus inside my brain. Pulsing, burning, and I can not see clearly for it burns my eyes and blur my sight.   Everyone around me is feasting in slow motion.  Am I dying? Am I dead? I feel like hanging over, overtime, time traveler, transported to this open space, so cold. Sharp wind, cuts the flesh upon my cheeks.  What is that smell? Sulfur, released by phytoplankton and seaweed. Salt, of course there’s salt, corroding and dehydrating, mucus, skin, soul... It ain’t dawn, yet the sun’s still shy over the horizon. Some weak ray’s of golden light penetrate the heavy sky. Dark clouds upon our heads, thunder. It’s hard to tell whether it’s thin rain or stormy tide.  I try to balance myself on the breakwater rocks, dizzy by my racing heartbeat and pushed by the wind blows.  I take a look around, feels like time’s stopped, some levitate with fireworks in hand, others hug each other laughing, holding, almost empty, vodka bottles... and you, there’s you, on t